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How can we teach “MAGIC WORDS” to the kids of Preschool Age

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

best kindergarten school pitampura

Pre schooling is the most crucial yet most important part of a child’s life. This is the stage where the Young minds learn numerous things without even realizing the burden of learning. Every now & then a new learning come along. There are a lot of things a child learn while doing merely simple task.

The challenging situation comes when a dedicated learning to be imparted among kids, the moral teaching adds to the challenge of course. In such cases, the preschools comes to the aid. Yes, you heard it all right. The best preschools in Delhi are available to meet all the learning requirements of your tiny tots, to help him/her in becoming a wonderful human being with a Golden Heart.

Don’t try to get the literal meaning out of the foresaid phrase. A child with a Gold Heart is the one who knows the basic etiquettes, understands others’ emotions and is empathetic towards them.

Wish to know how?

We, as an adult can listen to someone; still can’t feel them. Could know the manners but fails to showcase them towards others. Could sympathize with others without being empathetic. Then that little wonder is actually too young to deal with these ordeals. For the sake of which, Magic words are taught and used. The usage of any word gets beautified on being used with understanding, especially by a preschooler. It displays how effectively we are teaching the kids and raising them in a better way.

Let’s wrap a Gift for them

The gift of Good Manners is the best to be given to the young inquisitive minds. Remember, that ‘Explaining the reason is a must’. We need to teach the kids everything with the extreme politeness.

“Li’l Learners always Do,

Whatever comes into their VIEW.

Magic words SPRINKLE love, affection & Care,

Ensure that you make your them AWARE!”

Sorry, Please, Excuse Me, Thank You, May I & the list of Magical Words go on.

These words imbibes kindness and empathy among the preschoolers. Following the Academic Curriculum as the Top Pre Schools in Delhi, few of the Best Kindergarten School in Pitampura also provides general lessons for these teachings. Concept based Activity Sessions adds the spice to the learning format by making them more interactive. Gratitude should be a part of their vocabulary. They should be capable to realize, accept and learn from their mistakes. The Magical Words make them more courteous and empathetic towards others.

Indulge them into the activities, which proves to provide the best help. Work on the real life situations as well, where acknowledging the efforts of the house help is taught to be important; Saying sorry doesn’t make anyone feel belittle; where asking for permission is not considered as captivity or so.

Golden Bells Early Years is India’s first Multiple Intelligences base Pre School in Pitampura. We aim to bring the holistic development by unleashing the innate talents of the Precious ones. MI based pedagogy with child- centric learning approach helps to unfold the layers of kids’ uniqueness.

Happy Preschooling!

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